Progressive overload is the number one element of every training plan. Without it your guaranteed to stall in your progress, and ultimately fail at reaching your goal. There are many ways to progress your program, and at times in your training you will want to utilizes one or the other to suit your needs, Whether increasing work capacity, absolute strength of perfecting technique. Modern lifting culture suggest progressive overload is more specifically increasing weight, reps or total volume. These are fantastic methods of progressing; however, the rule of accommodation will always remain. At some point a trainee must include more variety into their plan. Below are several methods used by coaches and athletes to push past sticking points that are not simply adding weight, or reps.
Increasing range of motion will increase time under tension, as well as recruit more motor units throughout the movement.
Improving your technique will make you more efficient at the exercise. In the long run improved technique will reduce injury, improve motor unit recruitment, and will require less effort to preform the same movement.
Shortening rest times or preforming more work within giving amount of time will increase work capacity. Preforming exercises while fatigued is a great method for athletes and experienced trainees. The ability to push through fatigue will do more for a trainee than just increasing work capacity, it will test mental strength as well.
Training beyond failure, often use by more experienced lifters, these methods push past technical failure with the goal of completely fatiguing the muscle.
Forced reps, negatives, drop sets, static holds, rest pause, partial reps, or post-exhaustion are all use to increase the level of stress and fatigue on a muscle group.
Incorporation these techniques can add some fun and variety into a program. However, it is very easy to over complicate a program and make it nonsensical. Keep it simple, utilize one method at a time until you understand how it will affect your training.
The key to incorporating any progression is to establish a baseline of work and progress ahead of it. When it stalls reset or change a variable.